Sunday, May 24, 2009

by this all men will know

that we are God's disciples

32 steps to simplify your life.

this mornings sermon was on loving God with all our heart with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength, and in consequence, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. the pastor challenged us that sometimes we like God, sometimes we like him a lot but we don't love him. we aren't giving him our everything. I feel like I'm on such a spiritual high when I'm at school, and I come home and just drop. and I blame it on being tired, not being convicted and pushed, not fellowshipping like I do at school. but let's face it. I'm just lazy. God hasn't moved, he is still standing there with his arms open and I'm the one who turned and walked away because I just didn't want to deal with it. that's lame. and you can't show God's love to others if you aren't loving him and walking in step with him and his spirit. we need to love God first with all that we are, not just 10%, or even 90% and that's when it gets hard. we tend to think 90% is good enough because 100% is just too hard and so we give up on ourselves and our God. but we really do need to give everything up to him. and then, if we do that, if we walk in step with him, we will have no problem helping the man by the side of the road, because God is with us and in us and the closer we draw to him the more we push our selfish, stupid, human desires out of the way and are able to reach out selflessly.

it takes babysteps, and i need to take them, even if it's wobbly. i need to turn around and walk back and reach out.

if we have love for one another. john 13:35

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