Hi, My name is Megan, and I'm a Starbucks addict.
Not sure how it happened...ok I am I have this internship 3 days a week and don't have to be in till 11 but i hitch a ride with dad at 8 so im in syracuse by 830 or so, with nothing to do but sit and read. so I go to starbucks and blow 5 bucks every monday wednesday and friday and read for two hours (i usually end up dozing off somewhere in there too). now here is the thing, across the street from starbucks is this little home town coffee shop, Freedom of Espresso, there are a couple of them in Syracuse, and it has these brilliant paintings on the walls, but honestly, I've only gone in once, with emily, and it was hot and sticky and i had no desire for coffee in a hot and sticky room about the size of my living room. and so i realized in that moment, for all my hip-trendy desires, i'm leaning to the trendy side. i like starbucks like everyone else... oh well. "do I contradict myself? very well then i contradict myself. i am large, i contain multitudes. " so i sit and read my english major books in my air conditioned starbucks and get lattes and "perfect" oatmeal.- but not hot tea bc apparently the coffee conglamorate doesnt know you don't break the tea bags and get leaves all over every time-hmmph. but it's not so bad, mostly business ppl, but there are business ppl across the street too. and the music is good, indie or jazz, and i can sit on a comfortable couch in stead of a wobbly chair and read and be ignored rather than watched by the only other person in the shop, the guy behind the counter that just made my coffee.
so i like the corporation. so what. i'm going to end up working for the man anyways, might as well jump in with both feet...
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