Oh John boy, I have been let down.
I just finished listening to the new John Mayer album "Battle Studies" and the last 5 songs on the album (starting with his cover of Crossroads) are incredible! But it took suffering through the tech ridden effects, distortions and so so lyrics of the first 6 songs, (and the distortion at the start of Crossroads which I really don't like) to get me there. Now this isn't entirely fair. I got off to a bad start with the album thanks to the first song "Heartbreak Warfare" which I really didn't like at all and that kind of set the tone for the rest of the album. But some of those first 6 had really positive points to them. But they're nothing compared to the last 5. By the end of "Friends, lovers or nothing" I'm reminded why I love John Mayer, but for a while, this was not going to be a good review...
I was going to try to force it into a good review because I had what Dylan's fans did to him when he experimented with the new direction of Rock and Roll...but one of my main issues with Mayer is that he has serious talent as a guitarist, musician and he's a pretty good writer, but sometimes that gets lost in the poppy nature some of his studio work takes on. I guess I was hoping for a more soulful album, a deeper album, and some of the later songs are deeper, but you have to suffer to get there... But I promised not to write anything until I finished listening, and even then, I'm sure some songs will grow on me, and some songs like Assassin have great guitar. Overall I thought it was way too overproduced...and just once I would like to see Mayer reach his full potential with a studio album. So far continuum is my favorite but it is nothing compared to his live work with the trio.
I really just think he fell short of his potential with this album, but every artist is gunna have one mediocre album, mediocre novel, mediocre sculpture, I just hope this album isn't a sign of his new direction because, if so, I don't like where he's headed... maybe more listening will change that, but right now I doubt it. I hope he steps it up on the next album, leaves his pop following behind and follows his heart to the true deep music.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Life of the Tortured Artist
There is a quality of madness associated with all great artists. They may try to deny it, but there is something within them that allows them to harness their creativity while forcing the rest of humanity to keep its distance. How then can an artist get in touch with humanity to create great works that are representative of the trials and struggles faced everyday by human beings? Perhaps this is why they are referred to as tortured artists. They are fighting against their nature to create a product that will satisfy their nature. It is a constant war with self and with the society they are try to represent and save.
The thing that scares me most is letting that madness free. I have kept a strong hold on the reigns all my life and I fear what will get out or where I will go if I allow that creativity to overrun me. To allow myself to be the empty vessel that the spirit pours into and I pour out. I don't want to loose myself...
But then sometimes I wonder, who would miss me? Who knows me well enough to see that I would be becoming a shell of what I was in order to reach my full potential and isn't that an ironic statement? Who would care? Who would support me? and what is the difference between being true to art and true to my art. Should I as artist fade to the background and let the work stand alone? and can I even do that? and what does that mean for who I am? and is the road of the artist always going to be lonely? Will I ever break down the walls and let humanity in even if it hurts?
I hate these feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, and yet, the dark writer in my rejoices in them, it says to me, "look to those who came before you, those who also dealt with these issues and look what masterpieces came from them, you wanted to get in touch with the dark reality of humanity and here is your chance to write something that means something." But then I wonder if I will ever get back from there...Woolf didn't, Plath didn't, Hemmingway didn't... they were brilliant, tortured artists who left a strong vivid mark on the world, and yet, the world was too much with them, or for them, they could not stand to be here, the dark reality of humanity may have become too much for them...
As I get ready to graduate college I wonder what my mark will be on the world. and I wonder if I'll have to go it alone...I don't have anyone who can look at me and say "something's wrong let's go work it out, i'm here for you no matter what" and yet I am that for so many people, I am already pouring myself out and I can't do it anymore. I'm empty. I'm tortured. and I'm not sure it's making me such a better writer, it's just leaving me in a lot of pain; frustrated and confused. Maybe if I knew that my work, my art mattered to someone, maybe that would make me feel better about it, but I don't know if it does or ever will. What if I'm only tortured and I never become anything better? In my craft or sullen art I find solace but how long will that last, and is it ever enough?
The thing that scares me most is letting that madness free. I have kept a strong hold on the reigns all my life and I fear what will get out or where I will go if I allow that creativity to overrun me. To allow myself to be the empty vessel that the spirit pours into and I pour out. I don't want to loose myself...
But then sometimes I wonder, who would miss me? Who knows me well enough to see that I would be becoming a shell of what I was in order to reach my full potential and isn't that an ironic statement? Who would care? Who would support me? and what is the difference between being true to art and true to my art. Should I as artist fade to the background and let the work stand alone? and can I even do that? and what does that mean for who I am? and is the road of the artist always going to be lonely? Will I ever break down the walls and let humanity in even if it hurts?
I hate these feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, and yet, the dark writer in my rejoices in them, it says to me, "look to those who came before you, those who also dealt with these issues and look what masterpieces came from them, you wanted to get in touch with the dark reality of humanity and here is your chance to write something that means something." But then I wonder if I will ever get back from there...Woolf didn't, Plath didn't, Hemmingway didn't... they were brilliant, tortured artists who left a strong vivid mark on the world, and yet, the world was too much with them, or for them, they could not stand to be here, the dark reality of humanity may have become too much for them...
As I get ready to graduate college I wonder what my mark will be on the world. and I wonder if I'll have to go it alone...I don't have anyone who can look at me and say "something's wrong let's go work it out, i'm here for you no matter what" and yet I am that for so many people, I am already pouring myself out and I can't do it anymore. I'm empty. I'm tortured. and I'm not sure it's making me such a better writer, it's just leaving me in a lot of pain; frustrated and confused. Maybe if I knew that my work, my art mattered to someone, maybe that would make me feel better about it, but I don't know if it does or ever will. What if I'm only tortured and I never become anything better? In my craft or sullen art I find solace but how long will that last, and is it ever enough?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ok so I'm walking to work this morning and I hear bagpipes, so I follow the sound wondering what it is and I see this big red banner and these guys in crew cuts and suits with like red capes with big signs that say Honk if you support God's true marriage, handing out flyers. and something about it hit a nerve. I was reminded of the HJ, which may not be fair to these boys and men, but never the less, I was. I'm not gay, and I don't support Gay marriage or the Gay lifestyle. I wish it weren't an issue, I wish our society was not so fallen than we reached the point where sodomy is a-ok where it was a sin in scripture. I think all sins are the same and I think God does too, the main problem I have with the Gay lifestyle is that so many people think it's not a sin, it's not a problem, and that I'm ignorant for thinking it is. ( I got nicknamed hitler by a few kids in high school for my beliefs, not really what you want, but in the end I realized it was their ignorance of my beliefs that led them to that conclusion)
anyways so these guys are handing out pamphlets and talking up the one true marriage, btwn 1 man and 1 woman, which I believe in, so why was a so upset? I think it was the way they were doing it, all men and boys, dressed as I already described chanting the "truth" about gay marriage. I know gay people, I have friends who have chosen that lifestyle and while I don't agree or condone it, I know how hurt they would be at a demonstration like that, but then again, do some of that community take into account how I feel when they destroy my views on marriage and the family? It wasn't like they were standing out there saying they hated gays or that these people should be eliminated, I just wasn't sure if that was too far from what some of them might think. but again, I suppose I'm judging and I shouldn't.
The thing is I can't agree with people who say you aren't born that way. I've known too many people struggle with their identity and really struggle with the feelings they have for the opposite sex in much the same way I struggle with lust to think they just choose it. Do I think they sometimes choose the "easy way out" and rather than fight the urge, go along with it, and think it's ok? yeah, but then how easy is that choice really?
I guess I'm not entirely sure how I feel about those guys on the corner, I wish I could have a better understanding of it, could understand why we let ourselves let sin in to such and extent that it takes over our identity. but we're flaud and we need God, and I hope that message is portrayed in those pamphlets on the street. I hope it's spread mouth to mouth, I hope it's shown in how we live and how we love, but I don't think it is nearly as much as it should be.
anyways so these guys are handing out pamphlets and talking up the one true marriage, btwn 1 man and 1 woman, which I believe in, so why was a so upset? I think it was the way they were doing it, all men and boys, dressed as I already described chanting the "truth" about gay marriage. I know gay people, I have friends who have chosen that lifestyle and while I don't agree or condone it, I know how hurt they would be at a demonstration like that, but then again, do some of that community take into account how I feel when they destroy my views on marriage and the family? It wasn't like they were standing out there saying they hated gays or that these people should be eliminated, I just wasn't sure if that was too far from what some of them might think. but again, I suppose I'm judging and I shouldn't.
The thing is I can't agree with people who say you aren't born that way. I've known too many people struggle with their identity and really struggle with the feelings they have for the opposite sex in much the same way I struggle with lust to think they just choose it. Do I think they sometimes choose the "easy way out" and rather than fight the urge, go along with it, and think it's ok? yeah, but then how easy is that choice really?
I guess I'm not entirely sure how I feel about those guys on the corner, I wish I could have a better understanding of it, could understand why we let ourselves let sin in to such and extent that it takes over our identity. but we're flaud and we need God, and I hope that message is portrayed in those pamphlets on the street. I hope it's spread mouth to mouth, I hope it's shown in how we live and how we love, but I don't think it is nearly as much as it should be.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
coffee conglamorate
Hi, My name is Megan, and I'm a Starbucks addict.
Not sure how it happened...ok I am I have this internship 3 days a week and don't have to be in till 11 but i hitch a ride with dad at 8 so im in syracuse by 830 or so, with nothing to do but sit and read. so I go to starbucks and blow 5 bucks every monday wednesday and friday and read for two hours (i usually end up dozing off somewhere in there too). now here is the thing, across the street from starbucks is this little home town coffee shop, Freedom of Espresso, there are a couple of them in Syracuse, and it has these brilliant paintings on the walls, but honestly, I've only gone in once, with emily, and it was hot and sticky and i had no desire for coffee in a hot and sticky room about the size of my living room. and so i realized in that moment, for all my hip-trendy desires, i'm leaning to the trendy side. i like starbucks like everyone else... oh well. "do I contradict myself? very well then i contradict myself. i am large, i contain multitudes. " so i sit and read my english major books in my air conditioned starbucks and get lattes and "perfect" oatmeal.- but not hot tea bc apparently the coffee conglamorate doesnt know you don't break the tea bags and get leaves all over every time-hmmph. but it's not so bad, mostly business ppl, but there are business ppl across the street too. and the music is good, indie or jazz, and i can sit on a comfortable couch in stead of a wobbly chair and read and be ignored rather than watched by the only other person in the shop, the guy behind the counter that just made my coffee.
so i like the corporation. so what. i'm going to end up working for the man anyways, might as well jump in with both feet...
Not sure how it happened...ok I am I have this internship 3 days a week and don't have to be in till 11 but i hitch a ride with dad at 8 so im in syracuse by 830 or so, with nothing to do but sit and read. so I go to starbucks and blow 5 bucks every monday wednesday and friday and read for two hours (i usually end up dozing off somewhere in there too). now here is the thing, across the street from starbucks is this little home town coffee shop, Freedom of Espresso, there are a couple of them in Syracuse, and it has these brilliant paintings on the walls, but honestly, I've only gone in once, with emily, and it was hot and sticky and i had no desire for coffee in a hot and sticky room about the size of my living room. and so i realized in that moment, for all my hip-trendy desires, i'm leaning to the trendy side. i like starbucks like everyone else... oh well. "do I contradict myself? very well then i contradict myself. i am large, i contain multitudes. " so i sit and read my english major books in my air conditioned starbucks and get lattes and "perfect" oatmeal.- but not hot tea bc apparently the coffee conglamorate doesnt know you don't break the tea bags and get leaves all over every time-hmmph. but it's not so bad, mostly business ppl, but there are business ppl across the street too. and the music is good, indie or jazz, and i can sit on a comfortable couch in stead of a wobbly chair and read and be ignored rather than watched by the only other person in the shop, the guy behind the counter that just made my coffee.
so i like the corporation. so what. i'm going to end up working for the man anyways, might as well jump in with both feet...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Holes in my ears
Today I bought myself 3 new pairs of earings and Beloved. I also got House of Seven Gables out of the library and will finish the Tempest tonight (?). I have to go to work in half an hour which is lame, but I feel like I accomplished a lot today, mowed the lawn, had lunch with kate, played with sidewalk paint chalk. (my new favorite kid thing to do) and I am going to work. the three new pairs of earings were 60$ total, which is a lot. but it brings my earing total up to 8, so I don't feel so bad about it. I was getting a little tired of surgical steel hoops and plain gold studs, so I splurged.
Overall, today was a very good day.
The Tempest is my favorite Shakespeare play, although Othello and Richard III are close second and third. There's just something about the language and the plot that I have always loved. I remember reading it for fun in high school and reciting from it, and my teacher being so impressed bc he didn't even read it till college. what can i say? I'm kind of a big deal...anyways re-reading it now has just re-enforced why I love it. Especially after having read and studied more shakespeare than midsummer, caesar and R&J. It has a lot of depth and the language really is some of his best. I look forward to house of seven gables (Hawthorne yay!) but I'm relishing what I have left of shakespeare. When I finish tempest and abolition of man, I'll have finished 5/12 of my books for the semester. maybe i'll even get to reading some hemingway or kerouac for fun at the end of the summer...but I doubt it. At least I'm really enjoying what I'm reading. :)
Overall, today was a very good day.
The Tempest is my favorite Shakespeare play, although Othello and Richard III are close second and third. There's just something about the language and the plot that I have always loved. I remember reading it for fun in high school and reciting from it, and my teacher being so impressed bc he didn't even read it till college. what can i say? I'm kind of a big deal...anyways re-reading it now has just re-enforced why I love it. Especially after having read and studied more shakespeare than midsummer, caesar and R&J. It has a lot of depth and the language really is some of his best. I look forward to house of seven gables (Hawthorne yay!) but I'm relishing what I have left of shakespeare. When I finish tempest and abolition of man, I'll have finished 5/12 of my books for the semester. maybe i'll even get to reading some hemingway or kerouac for fun at the end of the summer...but I doubt it. At least I'm really enjoying what I'm reading. :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Need a moment?
This weekend, I went to women of faith in Rochester, I was the youngest one there out of our group for the weekend, which wasn't easy. And I got almost no downtime to relax and process. But honestly, those are my only complaints, and their not that important. While I really wish I had more time to sleep or just enjoy the extremely comfortable bed in our hotel room, I was pretty energenic the whole weekend, until about 12 today when I crashed. God is so good. The speakers were encouraging, and mom and I got to spend time alone together, which we've never done before. (and we didn't kill each other!)
Something I really struggle with is being single. I think that there must be something wrong with me, that this is some trial I'm going through. Well throughout the past year God has been trying to convict me that this is a season in my life I have to go to, and that I have opportunities to serve him as a single woman, that I will never have again. This weekend, Lisa Harper got up and spoke. She's 45 and single and would love to be married if God decides to put the right man in her life, but as she puts it "360 days of the year I'm happy to be single" and you know? I am too, most days I don't think about it or throw myself a pity-party, but then there are those times when I have to bury a dead goat in the middle of the night and my pants are falling down and i think, "what the heck God?" (note: i dont have a dead goat...harper does) Needless to say I bough both her books...why? not because I thought there would be some miracle answer as to how to get a man (clearly hasnt worked for her if there is) but because I want to learn how I can use this "trial" as a ministry. If I'm ever 45 and single (Please, God, don't...) I want to be Lisa Harper. up there on stage telling women how God will use us even when we're a perfect mess, or we don't have it all together or we are single and don't have kids and so on. Because, I want to be a firefly (like patsy clairmont) and no one likes a firefly that whines and mowps about, bc they don't give off a very bright or enticing light. I have joy in the Lord and I want to shine and show that joy to the world despite my circumstances...which I realized this weekend, are pretty freaking blessed. so, do I LOVE being single? not yet, will I ever? maybe, can God use me if I let him? Heck yes! and I'm pretty excited to be used because I know my worth in my father's eyes and I want to let other women know they are princesses despite what the world thinks.
Something I really struggle with is being single. I think that there must be something wrong with me, that this is some trial I'm going through. Well throughout the past year God has been trying to convict me that this is a season in my life I have to go to, and that I have opportunities to serve him as a single woman, that I will never have again. This weekend, Lisa Harper got up and spoke. She's 45 and single and would love to be married if God decides to put the right man in her life, but as she puts it "360 days of the year I'm happy to be single" and you know? I am too, most days I don't think about it or throw myself a pity-party, but then there are those times when I have to bury a dead goat in the middle of the night and my pants are falling down and i think, "what the heck God?" (note: i dont have a dead goat...harper does) Needless to say I bough both her books...why? not because I thought there would be some miracle answer as to how to get a man (clearly hasnt worked for her if there is) but because I want to learn how I can use this "trial" as a ministry. If I'm ever 45 and single (Please, God, don't...) I want to be Lisa Harper. up there on stage telling women how God will use us even when we're a perfect mess, or we don't have it all together or we are single and don't have kids and so on. Because, I want to be a firefly (like patsy clairmont) and no one likes a firefly that whines and mowps about, bc they don't give off a very bright or enticing light. I have joy in the Lord and I want to shine and show that joy to the world despite my circumstances...which I realized this weekend, are pretty freaking blessed. so, do I LOVE being single? not yet, will I ever? maybe, can God use me if I let him? Heck yes! and I'm pretty excited to be used because I know my worth in my father's eyes and I want to let other women know they are princesses despite what the world thinks.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Skinny Love
End of my second week as an intern! and I absolutely love it. I can't say much since all my work is top secret (yeah, I'm kinda like a spy) but it's a lot of fun! Tomorrow I head to Rochester with mom for the Women of Faith conference. I am pretty excited as mom and I have never actually gotten away just the two of us (and a little nervous too). I can't wait to see what God has to show me and to be able to worship and fellowship with my mom. I finished The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym yesterday and I have to say, I feel a little cheated with the ending...but that's all I will say for now because I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't read it. Started the Handmaid's Tale. Not sure what to expect from it, it's unnerving, to say the least, but very thought provoking. Also I bought Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever ago on iTunes today. I am in love with it. I also bought Fleet Foxes' EP and their debut album...I've been in love with them for a longer time though. I just really enjoy the vocals and the mix. there's something about it. I've been listening to all the tracks off all three albums (1.7hrs of music according to itunes) non-stop since i bought them at 5. I'm not even close to sick of it. but I should probably get some sleep since I have errands to run in the morning before I leave with mom around noon.
Only love is all maroon
Lapping lakes like leary loons
End of my second week as an intern! and I absolutely love it. I can't say much since all my work is top secret (yeah, I'm kinda like a spy) but it's a lot of fun! Tomorrow I head to Rochester with mom for the Women of Faith conference. I am pretty excited as mom and I have never actually gotten away just the two of us (and a little nervous too). I can't wait to see what God has to show me and to be able to worship and fellowship with my mom. I finished The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym yesterday and I have to say, I feel a little cheated with the ending...but that's all I will say for now because I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't read it. Started the Handmaid's Tale. Not sure what to expect from it, it's unnerving, to say the least, but very thought provoking. Also I bought Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever ago on iTunes today. I am in love with it. I also bought Fleet Foxes' EP and their debut album...I've been in love with them for a longer time though. I just really enjoy the vocals and the mix. there's something about it. I've been listening to all the tracks off all three albums (1.7hrs of music according to itunes) non-stop since i bought them at 5. I'm not even close to sick of it. but I should probably get some sleep since I have errands to run in the morning before I leave with mom around noon.
Only love is all maroon
Lapping lakes like leary loons
Monday, June 1, 2009
beer goggles
So Today the kid I was best friends with in high school turned twenty-one. and so i went out and had a beer with him. the thing that bugged me was that everyone thought I should have more than one, and the conversation seemed to center around other times they'd been drunk, or drinking, or sex or whatnot. It just made me wonder, do we talk about anything meaningful anymore? and do we even care if we don't? or are we just emptying our already vapid minds? and filling them with nonsense... to me it's possible to enjoy oneself with friends with one beer, in most cases, no beer, and your conversation doesn't take its inspiration from the frothy glass you're holding or the stupid things you've done under its influence. i thought things would change after high school but they stay the same...or get worse...
i think i needed to go out to see i didn' need or want that...
i think i needed to go out to see i didn' need or want that...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
by this all men will know
that we are God's disciples
32 steps to simplify your life.
this mornings sermon was on loving God with all our heart with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength, and in consequence, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. the pastor challenged us that sometimes we like God, sometimes we like him a lot but we don't love him. we aren't giving him our everything. I feel like I'm on such a spiritual high when I'm at school, and I come home and just drop. and I blame it on being tired, not being convicted and pushed, not fellowshipping like I do at school. but let's face it. I'm just lazy. God hasn't moved, he is still standing there with his arms open and I'm the one who turned and walked away because I just didn't want to deal with it. that's lame. and you can't show God's love to others if you aren't loving him and walking in step with him and his spirit. we need to love God first with all that we are, not just 10%, or even 90% and that's when it gets hard. we tend to think 90% is good enough because 100% is just too hard and so we give up on ourselves and our God. but we really do need to give everything up to him. and then, if we do that, if we walk in step with him, we will have no problem helping the man by the side of the road, because God is with us and in us and the closer we draw to him the more we push our selfish, stupid, human desires out of the way and are able to reach out selflessly.
it takes babysteps, and i need to take them, even if it's wobbly. i need to turn around and walk back and reach out.
if we have love for one another. john 13:35
32 steps to simplify your life.
this mornings sermon was on loving God with all our heart with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength, and in consequence, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. the pastor challenged us that sometimes we like God, sometimes we like him a lot but we don't love him. we aren't giving him our everything. I feel like I'm on such a spiritual high when I'm at school, and I come home and just drop. and I blame it on being tired, not being convicted and pushed, not fellowshipping like I do at school. but let's face it. I'm just lazy. God hasn't moved, he is still standing there with his arms open and I'm the one who turned and walked away because I just didn't want to deal with it. that's lame. and you can't show God's love to others if you aren't loving him and walking in step with him and his spirit. we need to love God first with all that we are, not just 10%, or even 90% and that's when it gets hard. we tend to think 90% is good enough because 100% is just too hard and so we give up on ourselves and our God. but we really do need to give everything up to him. and then, if we do that, if we walk in step with him, we will have no problem helping the man by the side of the road, because God is with us and in us and the closer we draw to him the more we push our selfish, stupid, human desires out of the way and are able to reach out selflessly.
it takes babysteps, and i need to take them, even if it's wobbly. i need to turn around and walk back and reach out.
if we have love for one another. john 13:35
Friday, May 22, 2009
oh brave new world
So, despite my growing aversion to technology and the desire to stay home with my books and fire-proof them against some Fahrenheit 451 apocalypse, I'm putting myself out there. I think it's important to get out there, and if I ever want to truly be a writer, I'm going to have to get over this fear and embarrassment that everyone will hate what I write. So I figure, if I write, and I post it, I'm getting somewhere, even if everyone does hate it.
I finished Pudd'nhead Wilson yesterday. I love Twain's ability to tell a story, it's something so lost on so many modern writers. He is able to transport me to pre-civil war south on the Mississippi with ease and hold me captivated throughout his humorous and yet tragic tale. There's just something about the way he writes that draws me into the story like no other author can do. Maybe it's because I can still hear my dad's voice when he read the stories to me as a child, but I think it's mostly because Twain just has a way with spinning a yarn.
I'm really excited about this summer. I have an internship that starts next Wednesday with an advertising firm, and I'm working at the restaurant, and babysitting, and training for a triathlon, and of course, reading in my spare time (which luckily enough the past two weeks home from school has been ample). I'm also hoping to cook more and write more. I'm a little ambitious.
But I'm also looking forward to next semester, although it means the end of my college career is nigh, it is also the culmination of my 4 years as an English major, with lit crit, and then two semesters of American novel courses, which, if I ever decided to go to grad school, would be my field of study. I honestly wish sometimes I had just devoted myself to my English degree and not spread myself across two degrees, but then I think how much I love the creative aspect of advertising, and the need for Christian marketers (and my need to have a steady income post-graduation) and I'm glad I did it. I just wish I could have spent more time reading...and writing.
so here I'll begin and hope to study the wonders of this brave new world this summer as I begin what may be the last summer of my supposed youth, though I hope I carry that with me much longer. that being said, it is true that in 2010 I have to become a grown up. but perhaps I'll fly off and join peter and the boys...the only problem is, I can't remember how to fly.
I finished Pudd'nhead Wilson yesterday. I love Twain's ability to tell a story, it's something so lost on so many modern writers. He is able to transport me to pre-civil war south on the Mississippi with ease and hold me captivated throughout his humorous and yet tragic tale. There's just something about the way he writes that draws me into the story like no other author can do. Maybe it's because I can still hear my dad's voice when he read the stories to me as a child, but I think it's mostly because Twain just has a way with spinning a yarn.
I'm really excited about this summer. I have an internship that starts next Wednesday with an advertising firm, and I'm working at the restaurant, and babysitting, and training for a triathlon, and of course, reading in my spare time (which luckily enough the past two weeks home from school has been ample). I'm also hoping to cook more and write more. I'm a little ambitious.
But I'm also looking forward to next semester, although it means the end of my college career is nigh, it is also the culmination of my 4 years as an English major, with lit crit, and then two semesters of American novel courses, which, if I ever decided to go to grad school, would be my field of study. I honestly wish sometimes I had just devoted myself to my English degree and not spread myself across two degrees, but then I think how much I love the creative aspect of advertising, and the need for Christian marketers (and my need to have a steady income post-graduation) and I'm glad I did it. I just wish I could have spent more time reading...and writing.
so here I'll begin and hope to study the wonders of this brave new world this summer as I begin what may be the last summer of my supposed youth, though I hope I carry that with me much longer. that being said, it is true that in 2010 I have to become a grown up. but perhaps I'll fly off and join peter and the boys...the only problem is, I can't remember how to fly.
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